What Makes Us Different?
  1. Competitive pricing direct from the distributor. (Does not include any applicable sales tax)
  2. Online Order - Local Delivery
  3. Local equipment training and support
  4. Proven high quality equipment
  5. Equipment advisors on staff
Purchase Process
     When checking out, you will have to choose your local equipment dealer. If you create an account, you can set this dealer as your default for any other future purchases. Once a dealer is selected, you will have to enter your personal information:
City, State, Zip Code
Email Address - Mandatory and will be verified
Phone - Mandatory

Deposit Required

     To complete your order, you will be required to pay a deposit of 20%  of the purchase price. Your receipt will show the deposit paid and balance owed at the time of pick-up at your local dealer. Once your order is accepted by WildlifeFarming.com, you will receive an email with an order acknowledgement and an estimated delivery time. 

Deposit will not be refundable after item has shipped.


     The items will be shipped and delivered to your selected local dealer. Once item has arrived, you will receive an email and a phone call advising you that your item is ready to be picked up. You can also arrange for the local delivery, but you will have to arrange that and negotiate the price with your local dealer. 

Final Payment

     You will pay the final amount due to your local dealer. This will be the internet purchase price less deposit plus any applicable local or state taxes required. 

Warranty Registration: Performed by local dealer

Warranty Processing: Performed by local dealer

Parts: Handled by local dealer


     Once an item has been used it is non-returnable. Defective products will be repaired by the local dealer under the manufacturer's warranty while it is under warranty. If customer refuses to take delivery from local dealer, the order will be cancelled while the deposit will not be refunded. The deposit will cover transportation and handling charges for the cancelled order. 


     Each manufacturer has it's own warranty policy. Specific manufacturer's warranty policies are available on the individual manufacturer websites. If you have a product with a warranty issue - please contact your local dealer. 

Sales Tax Disclaimer

     All prices on WildlifeFarming.com do not include any local or state taxes. Depending on the state and local sales tax laws, you may be required to pay sales tax. If sales taxes are applicable, your local dealer will collect these taxes. Farm sales tax exemptions should be discussed with your local dealer. 

Deposit Terms
     A 20% deposit is required on all orders.
     Order Cancellations/Deposit Refund: Customers can cancel orders and receive a full deposit refund up to 24 hours after ordering. After 24 hours, if the product has shipped to the local dealer the deposit is non-refundable. If the product has not shipped, the deposit is refundable.

Genesis Presentation with Alex Kluesner

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